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Photographer ・ Teaching Materials Creator
写真家 ・ 教材研究家
Takeuchi Kazutoshi
た け う ち か ず と し
About Me ご挨拶

As I look, I long to see what is truly authentic
I want to try to grow it myself.
That’s the kind of photo I want to shoot.
Things found in nature are all so beautiful,
people could never make them
people can’t match nature.
People who feel that way,
if they grow more numerous,
definitely, the nature we have now will be preserved.
That’s what I think.
眺めていると ぜひ本物を見たくなる
自然の中にあるものは どれもこんなに美しい
ヒトには絶対作れない ヒトは自然に敵わない
増えればきっと 今の自然は守られる
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